Hiring someone, especially someone who you are going to let into your house and see your toothbrush can be harrowing for anyone, even if you have hired thousands of people in your professional life, it is different in your personal life! Here are five quick ups to keep in mind before you hire a nanny or housekeeper.
- Make a list, a comprehensive list, of all the duties you are hoping this person can perform. Now loosely rank them. Be honest, which tasks are you willing to let go of? Which ones are non-negotiable? Remember these are just tasks, not qualifies or qualifications. If they HAVE to drive to pick up your kids from school, then that is high on the list. If you would PREFER them to feel comfortable cleaning the snake cage, then maybe that’s a little lower. It is not to say you can’t find someone who can do it all. But acknowledging that somethings are more important than others is key to starting with an open mind.
- NOW make a comprehensive list of the qualities, characteristics and traits. You can rank these as well, this might be easier or more difficult than the other list. Take your time, come back to the list when you are overwhelmed, when you are mostly likely to lean on someone, see what you gravitate towards. Again some things will be deal breakers, and those need to be addressed first. There is no right or wrong answer, every family is different.
- Create questions that address the tasks and qualities that are high on your list. This way when you are interviewing, you don’t lose track of what you were meaning to ask. They can be short hand questions, they are there to remind you in the thick of the interview what you really want to qualify as opposed to getting bogged.
- Have an open mind when interviewing, especially if you have hired before and it has been success or disaster. You don’t want to line the new candidate up in the shadow of a previous employee. Everyone is different and what they bring to the table is never going to be the same as anyone else.
- Contact a local agency. I know, we are biased. But it really will help with peace of mind. We do all the heavy lifting up front- all of the preliminary questions, all the background checks, all the drug screens, and then it is up to you to find the right fit. We are here to offer interview questions, help you identify your non-negotiable skills, tasks, traits and qualifications.
Happy interviewing and remember, Help is just a phone call away! 702-451-3000